The Garden Takeover

The seedlings are taking over the kitchen window!

I will be moving most of the plants outside soon. We have been planning to get a polytunnel for the plants, to protect them from the crows and to give them shelter from the winds. It will also help to maximize the warmth of the sun and extend the growing season into autumn. Until then, these plants will have to fend for themselves in the elements outdoors. Here’s to hoping they will survive and prosper.

Salsify Flowers

I planted these salsify plants last year in hopes of growing some interesting new root vegetables to add to soup. I planted several in this bucket, which grew tall like a small field of grass. I read that one could pull up the roots at any time through the winter, which would make them ideal for soup. But, upon trying to uproot them, I found them to be impossible to remove from the ground. A tall field of grass, a thick bucket of roots.

So I gave up on them.

Then, this spring, after the whole winter and after trying (most unsuccessfully) to remove them, imagine my surprise when the remaining three plants suddenly flourished, grew twice as high as before, and sent out their purple flowers!

Perhaps the roots of these will soon be edible.

Tomato Repot + Herb Garden

A brief update to post the tomato repot, bravely moving a few outdoors to see how they fare.

Also included a photo of the herb garden that has survived thus far through the winter, happily featuring sage, mint, lavender and bay.